Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is a landlocked country in Central Africa, bordered by Chad to the north, Sudan to the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the south, and Cameroon and Congo to the west.  The country gained independence from France in 1960.  However the first multiparty democratic elections were only held in 1993, and since then war and fighting has been a constant in the region.  It is considered one of the ten poorest countries in the world.

As an independent nation, the Central African Republic has been issuing stamps since 1959.  The first issue printed Republique Centrafricaine depicted President Boganda.  From 1976 – 1979, the stamps were labelled Empire Centrafricaine, but after 1979, the stamps again bore the name Central African Republic.


Various Scenes Series


SG # 4

Unused (NH)




SG # 5

Unused (NH)




SG # 6

Used (NH)




SG # 7

Used (NH)




SG # 8

Used (NH)




Female Coiffures Series


SG # 139

Used (Hinged)






Opening of the Catarina Bokasa Mother & Child Centre Series

SG # 356

Used (Hinged)



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