New South Wales

New South Wales Flag & Coat of Arms

New South Wales is a state on the east coast of Australia.  Sydney is the capital and also the most populous city in Australia today.  In 1788, the Colony of New South Wales was founded as a penal colony.  It was a British colony and during the 19th century, large areas were separated to form other colonies, e.g. South Australia, Victoria and Queensland.  It was granted responsible government in 1855, and eventually became part of Australia in 1901.  One condition on joining Australia was that New South Wales would have a say in where the capital of Australia would be located.  An agreement was reached whereby the capital would be within New South Wales, but further than 161km from Sydney.  So the Australian Capital Territory which lies within New South Wales came into being with the capital Canberra situated in this state.

In 1844, the first mail packet arrived from Britain carried by steamer.  The first stamps were locally produced and appeared in 1850.  They depicted scenes of Sydney.  From 1851, the stamps followed the trend of other British colonies and carried the portrait or profile of Queen Victoria.  It was only in 1913 that the stamps of New South Wales were superseded by those of Australia.

Some of our older stamps, especially from the 19th century, are not in good condition, but we have placed them on this page as they are from our inherited collections and have sentimental value.

For this page we used the Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps Catalogue 1840-1970.


Queen Victoria Series


SG # 207

Used (Hinged)





New South Wales 1862 Postage Stamp Queen Victoria 2 two pence blue SG # 210

SG # 210

Used (Hinged)





New South Wales 1862 Postage Stamp Queen Victoria 6d six pence lilac purple SG # 234 duty

SG # 234

Used (Hinged)(Damaged)







Centenary of New South Wales Series


SG # 253

Used (Hinged)






SG # 254

Used (Hinged)






SG # 256

Used (Hinged)






SG # 258c

Used (Hinged)






Allegorical Figure of Australia Series


SG # 265

Used (Hinged)






Various Frames Series


SG # 271

Used (Hinged)






SG # 273

Used (Hinged)





New South Wales 1892 Postage Stamp Shield crown stars lion 1d red SG # 332

SG # 288

Used (Hinged)






SG # 292

Used (Hinged)





New South Wales 1892 Postage Stamp Queen Victoria 2½d blue SG # 303

SG # 303

Used (Hinged)




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