Sir Rowland Hill

July 19, 2022 Melise Richter 0

Since starting to sort our collections, I have tried to discover as much as possible about the origins of stamp collecting and the people involved.  […]

Stamp Designs

June 2, 2020 Melise Richter 0

I recently came across a very interesting video on YouTube about stamp designers I give thanks to the National Postal Museum, located in Washington DC […]

Europa Stamps

May 2, 2020 Melise Richter 0

What are Europa stamps and why are they issued?  As a novice stamp collector I decided to find out more about these beautiful stamps. The […]

Album AG

August 1, 2019 Melise Richter 0

The last album and the next few are small albums.  The reason for this is that all the stamps we are now sorting and cataloguing […]