The Union of the Republic of Myanmar also known as Burma, is situated in Southeast Asia. To the west it is bordered by Bangladesh and India, to the east by China, Laos and Thailand. It has an uninterrupted coastline of about 1930 km. Its capital is Naypyidaw. In the 19th century Myanmar became a British colony, gained independence in 1948 as a democracy, but after 1962 a coup d’etat forced military leadership on the country. In 2011, the military government was dissolved and since then a civilian government has “power”. However the military still has great power in the running of the country.
The first stamps which had Burma in their design were issued between 1938 and 1940. During World War II, while occupied by Japan, stamps were issued by the Japanese Army and by the Burma Independence Army. In 1943 and 1944, stamps were issued by the Burmese Government with the permission of the occupying forces. After liberation at the end of 1945, pre-war stamps from Burma from 1938 were issued with the overprint Mily Admn.
From 1948 – 1973 stamps were issued in the name of the Union of Burma, from 1974, they were marked Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma and since 1990, Union of Myanmar.

Stamps of India, King George V Series (Overprinted BURMA)
SG # 6
Used (Hinged)
British Military Administration Series (Overprinted MILY ADMIN)
SG # 35
Used (Hinged)
British Civil Administration Series
SG # 54
Used (Hinged)
Independence Day Series
SG # 83
Used (Hinged)
1st Anniversary of Independence Series
SG # 124
Used (Hinged)
SG # 109
Used (Hinged)
1949 Stamps with (New Currency, Pyas & Kyats)
SG # 140
Used (Hinged)
SG # 142
Used (Hinged)
SG # 142
Used (Hinged)
SG # 143
Used (Hinged)
SG # 144
Used (Hinged)
Birds Series
SG # 179
Used (Hinged)
SG # 182
Used (Hinged)
SG # 183
Used (Hinged)
Japanese Occupation of Burma (1942 – 1944)
Various Scene Series
SG # J91
Unused (Hinged)
Shan States Issue Series
SG # J100
Unused (NH)
SG # J102
Unused (NH)